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Old 02-02-2007, 12:11 PM
Jeff76 Jeff76 is offline
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Default Re: A Problem I See With Pure Capitalism

If you accept the premise that society is better off in the long run if everyone is trying to selfishly maximize their own gain, what argument can you make against criminal behavior, to those who are in situations where the "trickle down" effect does not figure to reach them in the forseeable future?

[/ QUOTE ]I accept the premise that society is better off in the longrun with Capitalism than anything else we've devised so far.

It seems to me that Capitalsim is brutal (survival of the fittest) and ineffecient (vast amounts of resrouces are spent solving the same problems different ways and only a few actually work out), however it at least "works" in that it allows us to progress as a society better than anything else we've come up with.
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