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Old 02-02-2007, 06:57 AM
Evan Evan is offline
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Default Re: school confiscates cell phone, lawyer dad is mad?

Wtf possible reason do you need for a phone at school, I don't remember anyone ever having a valid reason for it

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I brought my cell phone to high school because I would often go to work or some friend's house after school

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These reasons are retarted, do you know that kids went to other peoples houses or work before mobile phones were invented.

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Do you know that people went to bars/called clients/did whatever you do with cell phones before they were invented? Of course I know that. I didn't use my phone in class and it was always on silent. My cell phone has NEVER rang during a presentation/class/whatever in my life, it's not hard to do either. You guys are all being retarded acting like a kid bringing a phone to school is 100% retarded and inexcusable. Of course I could use the school's phone or a payphone or the phone at my job or a friends phone or a god damn smoke signal. But it's a hell of a lot easier to just have a cell phone and not be a dick with it.
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