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Old 02-01-2007, 06:11 PM
Aloysius Aloysius is offline
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Default Re: Love for the Dumpling House

I've never found Xiaolongbao in CA, but they're common in NY and the standard place to find them is Joe Shanghai. The dumplings are filled with a rich broth and are delicious.

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Xia Long Bao is my favorite dumpling. The broth inside (hence sometimes referred to as "soup dumplings") is so awesome. There are a ton of place in San Gabriel Valley in the LA area that serve XLB, notably and has been mentioned several times, Din Tai Fung.

Also it appears By-Tor is eating XLB, and he is in the Bay Area? (or is that a pic from when you were in China?).

Another great dumpling (also Shanghainese):

Guo Tie

Guo Tie (a fried version of Jiaozi): Jiaozi (Chinese transliteration) is a kind of Chinese dumpling, widely popular in China, Japan, and Korea as well as outside of East Asia. This dumpling consists of a ground meat and/or vegetable filling wrapped into a thinly rolled piece of dough, which is then sealed by crimping. The jiaozi should not be confused with the wonton: the jiaozi dumpling has a thicker skin and is a flatter, more oblate, double-saucer like shape (similar in shape to ravioli), and is usually eaten with a soy-vinegar dipping sauce (and/or hot chili sauce); while a wonton has a thinner skin, is sphere-shaped, and is usually served in broth.

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