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Old 02-01-2007, 05:23 PM
Go_Blue88 Go_Blue88 is offline
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Default Re: Getting into Writing

i dunno, it depends on what type of story you're interested in writing. i guess put differently, if you have a really good idea, the story will prolly write itself (eg- a cool idea for a mystery w/ at least two cool characters).

i took a creative writing class here and it was alright, but i didn't learn anything too insightful.

again, if you have an idea of a really cool character, a fun idea, and some knowledge of how to write, then i don't see how you can screw up. just put your character in a crazy situation and see what happens to practice.

i know you're asking for books on writing, but i think you should read a couple of books by John Irving--his books are based on really crazy characters (at least the ones I've read).
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