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Old 02-01-2007, 08:34 AM
beenben beenben is offline
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Default school confiscates cell phone, lawyer dad is mad?

A lawyer called me for help on a legal research project. He wanted something saying that the school could not confiscate his cellular phone.

They have a rule at this school - they see your cell phone, they take it until the end of the day. Second offense, they give it back to the kid's parent after a week. Third offense, they keep it for 30 days. This guy sounds really pissed off so I get the impression that it's his cell phone, or at least his kid's cell phone.

I wanted to tell him, "Dawg, how about having your kid follow the school rules and learn to take the consequences of his behavior?" But I had to hold my tongue. He was all about holding the district accountable for seizing his property without due process, blah blah blah.

so what are the odds that this guy's kid is going to turn into a deuche?
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