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Old 02-01-2007, 02:06 AM
suzzer99 suzzer99 is offline
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Default Re: Sadr backs down in Iraq

There are some interesting documentaries about the Werewolves in Germany, who were basically the true beleiver nazis-for-life. They caused a decent amount of havoc for about 3 years after the end of the war, then finally faded away.

Interesting thing is the Japanese were probably more brainwashed than the Germans, but once they were told to lay down by their Emperor, they pretty much all did as a society. Very different approaches to authority between cultures.

These guys in Iraq are scarier because they're made up of (a) Al Queda who seem to be even more hardcore in their beliefs, and (b) ex-Baathists and Sunnis for whom the worst-case scenrio if they lose could be annihilation of Sunni society. Also most of the Baathists have now been converted to fundamental Islam. Not sure how much that will take once their marriage of convenience with Al Queada is over.

Do people in the know generally think that the baathists could have somehow been kept in the power structure more, or was this inevitable?
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