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Old 02-01-2007, 01:58 AM
cwar cwar is offline
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Default Are you addicted?

Im writing a semester long research paper on the online poker 'subculture' and one of the first points that really make poker playing a subculture in relation to normal society is how poker players regard addiction.

For example if you tell a random person on the street that you play 30 hours of online poker a week they will probably try and get you to go the nearest GA where as a lot of people on this forum STRIVE to play greater than 30 hours a week.

So this is what I want:
1.Tell me what characteristics make you qualify someone as addicted (losing player, # of hours a week, state of mind, life outside poker, table games, anything else you can think of)
2.Are you addicted and have you ever been (stories would be great)?
-If you consider yourself a reformed addicted poker player what has changed to make your poker playing healthy?
3.A quick question if you dont feel like elaborating on 1 and 2: A player makes $50 an hour and plays 50 hours a week, is he addicted/not or does it depend?
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