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Old 01-31-2007, 10:40 PM
El Diablo El Diablo is offline
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Default Re: Antonius, His Sweet Ride, and A Petite Ann Taylor Jacket


(I'll be doing this as we get new types of threads here like this one and the politics thread. Hopefully this type of "mod guidance" won't need to happen for very long.)

Here's the deal w/ threads like this.

If people come up with genuinely funny or creative responses that Howard can actually do and result in all manner of hilarity to be recounted on this forum, then great.

On the other hand, if the best people come up with is obvious stuff like OMFG PATRIK IS SO HOT (obviously!) or WHOA DUDE GET A PIC AND THEN SIIHP FOR A MONTH, then we'll just lock this and move on, pretend it never happened.

So, if you have some actual good ideas for Howard (or good stories about people having to deliver on bets like this), feel free to share.