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Old 01-31-2007, 06:12 PM
alanbrown alanbrown is offline
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Default Re: Why Raise with Suited Connectors? (NLHE)

actually not. There's 2 points to make here

1) It's ok to sweeten the pot PF with drawing hands as long as the stacks are deep enough to give you the implied odds. Implied odds are less a function of pot size and more a function of the size of the stacks behind.

2) Raising with SCs is different from open raising with SCs. If you open raise you'll scare off action which isn't what you want. But if you raise with them then one of 2 things will happen. Either every one will come along for the ride in which case you've simply raised the stakes that your SCs are playing for while not affecting your potential return (as long as the stacks are big enough to pay off the right price if you hit your draw). Or people will drop off, leaving their dead money in the pot and increasing your winning chances that way. Also note that you've done a good job of disguising your hand in this scenario also because most people don't play SCs that way (for the reasons you've raised).

Of course, this is a reason to justify raising sometimes with SCs, not raising all the time with them. They make great limping hands also.
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