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Old 01-31-2007, 02:30 PM
UncleKraut UncleKraut is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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Default Dumbest/Funniest thing one of your friends has done

So I had this buddy "Bob" who was in my fraternity in college, decent dude, but he was always stealing stuff and doin drugs and It just seemed like he had a little thug syndrome going on. Nothing major though that would raised an alarm bell with me. Well, turns out he got in over his head on this one:

My friend "Bob"'s parents made him move out of the dorms junior year and move back home because he wasn't getting good grades and his parents were too concerned about him doing drugs, especially coke, which he had gotten into recently. They also promised to buy him a new car, so he could drive to school from their house. So Bob moves back home and somehow finds out that this old lady that lives on his street has a safe in her house. So he talks to these other two 15 yr old kids to help him get the safe and break it open.

The next day Bob calls the old lady's house and tells her that her daughter has just been in a serious accident, and she has to come to the emergency room ASAP. Of course the lady freaks out and leaves the house immediately.

Bob and his two 15 yr old friends, break into the house and find the safe. This is all happening around 10am. Turns out they can't break the safe open inside the house so they decide to steal the whole thing. This is a big heavy old school metal safe. It takes them forever to get it out of the house, so they finally rip it out of the floor with a crowbar and carry it to the back of their truck and take off.

They drive out into the woods and repeatedly drop the safe onto a rock and finally break it open. They didn't expect too much from the insides maybe 10K tops and some jewlery or whatever else old ladies keep in their safe. Well as it turns out there was a little more than they had bargained for as about 280K in cash busts out of the safe. This lady's whole lifetime savings.

This is where I come into the picture. The next day I'm hanging out in my buddy's dorm room at school, not expecting anything when Bob comes walking in the door. He’s got all new clothes, shoes, and sunglasses, and has a huge grin on his face. He’s also carrying a massive black trash bag. We're like what's up and what the [censored] is with the bag? He just starts laughing and proceeds to dump 280k in cash over my head. I'm thinking holy shi.t, where did this money come from? He just said that he “came up on it.” So we proceed to take some more money showers and whatever, throw the cash around and other silliness.

Fast forward a couple of days. Turns out the two 15 yr olds that Bob let in on the crime started to snitch, because their parents noticed that something was wrong with the way they were acting. They spilled the whole beans and sure enough the cops show up ant Bob’s parents house. Didn’t take long to get it all out into the open, and Bob gives the money back. Problem is that he had already spent about 15k out of the 200k in a couple of days. I think he had bought about 20 pairs of sunglasses, 3 playstation 2’s , shoes, clothes, weed, coke, the whole shebang.

Long story short they were initially going to give him 2 years in a federal pound me in the azz prison, but after plea bargain and other stuff he only got 6 months. I never saw him again after that, pretty sure he got kicked out of school as well. Nothing ever happened to me or my friends, we never had to talk to the police or anything.
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