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Old 01-31-2007, 09:27 AM
Quanah Parker Quanah Parker is offline
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Default Re: ePassporte is Quick and Easy

I signed up with ePass at the end of November. I was unable to fund with any of my credit cards. It took a fairly long time to be fully viable. I think it was about 2 weeks to see the deposits in my acct. and another 5-10 days until I could transfer to Stars/Full Tilt. So 3 weeks total, at least. Yea, took forever, high fees, but it works. Hang in there, guys.

I had been Firepay only until they dropped, and I swore I wouldn't use Neteller since they warned us in October they were on the way out. Impatience got the best of me, and being the typical hypocrite I signed up with Neteller, got slack tranfering cash being sites and got caught with $1500 in Neteller. While I think Neteller suucks the crab-infested balls of Frist, I really only have myself to blame. I do thank Black Winter Day for assisting in transfering the $1k that isn't stuck as "pending".

Just wondering, has ePass issued any statements about their long term plan? It would be nice to hear them say they're in for the long haul.
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