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Old 01-30-2007, 07:52 PM
MaxxDaddy MaxxDaddy is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 564
Default Re: NJ high school to test teens for alcohol consumption

It's pretty clear that this whole thing is absurd. I refuse to believe that underage drinking has gotten to the point to legitimize this sort of response. Look, I understand that the problem exists, but to invade the privacy of students in order to essentially do next to nothing for a large chunk of money is completely ridiculous. My mom gave me the following guidelines on drinking: "I drank back when I was 18, so I think you should be responsible enough to do the same." This was back when I was 16 or 17. She also promised that if I was hungover and she knew, she'd make sure to let me hear about it. I remember I was really sick after a party at a friend's house and I told her I was pretty hungover. She then proceeded to ask me what I had drank the night before, in complete detail. I had to make her pull over the car so I could throw up.

I agree with the vast majority of the other posters that this is a function of parenting. You should be able to raise your children so that they know their boundaries and form a trusting relationship. Schools should not be a secondary parenting institution, yet they are expected to be one when it comes to drug/alcohol use and sex.
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