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Old 01-30-2007, 07:21 PM
JaredL JaredL is offline
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Default Re: Looking more professional, a fashion thread


As has been pointed out by limon in thread and econophile in PM, the whole wearing a suit thing wasn't really the main thing I was after. Basically, I will have to wear a suit for some really important stuff, but only those few times and after that basically never. Obviously others benefit from the whole suit discussion so I'm not trying to stifle that but any further advice people have for just not looking like a slob would be appreciated.

For example, people suggested here going to Banana Republic. Is this significantly better than Old Navy and the Gap? I could be wrong, but believe they are all owned by the same company, not that that's really relevant I suppose.

What about stripes and other designs? I own some vertically striped shirts and others more plain or with extremely small checks, not sure what that's called. I'm assuming that since I'm neither European nor unfat having horizontal stripes in any shirt is bad news.

With pants, are just plain dockers (or similar) khakis fine? I should really word it differently, because they would be fine certainly, but would you guys reccomend other types of pants?

In general with the whole Gap etc look, I find it to be somewhat boring and impersonal - people that dress this way all look alike in a sense. Any tips on somehow getting a bit more personality and tastes into the clothing would be greatly appreciated.

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