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Old 01-30-2007, 11:48 AM
Grunch Grunch is offline
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Default Re: What will make you happy?

Divorce rate in Western Countries >50%. I guess all those perfect girls werent so perfect afterall.

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who says the women are the problem?

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I didn't mean to imply that. I just meant that some guy feeling unhappy now because he hasnt met Mrs. Perfect might be disappointed in the future when he finds out there is so such thing as a perfect marriage.

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Very true. Most people do a poor job at picking life partners. If the divorce rate in other countries is lower than in Western countries, I'd bet it's not because they are better at picking life partners. Not only will a pooor choice in life partner not make you happy, it could make you wish your life would end.

You can't 'fix' your happiness by getting married. In much the same way that you can't fix a broken marraige by having children. In both cases the brokenness is still there. It is now only masked or encumbered by additional complexities, and additional things by which you judge yourself to have failed.

I like to think that I'm lucky, because I did a good job in picking my life partner (she actually picked me, and that's part of the reason why I'm lucky -- but that's a story I won't tell here). She's perfect in every way for me, and oddly gets more perfect every day. I am happy -- and it's mostly because I'm next to her.

I'll also take a different slant on something that 42 said. Many people confuse comfort for happiness. This includes things like having plenty of money and nice things, or being looked up to by your peers. Those things don't create happiness. The lack of those things will cause grief -- for example, it's difficult for someone who is broke or unloved to be happy. But just because you are rich and loved doesn't mean you are happy.

Edit: I didn't mean to say there is no such thing as a perfect marraige. There is -- I have one. But nobody can understand what a perfect marraige is until they have one. Nobody can believe that there can even be one until they have one. When fish2p2 said "there is [no] such thing as a perfect marriage" he was wrong.
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