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Old 01-29-2007, 11:55 AM
miajag miajag is offline
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Default Valentine\'s Day plans/suggestions thread

Pretty gay, but whatever.

Been seeing this girl for a couple months now, we are still in that kinda awkward "dating each other exclusively but not really officially boyfriend/girlfriend" stage of the relationship. As of right now my plan for Valentine's is to just bring over some flowers and a bottle of wine and cook her dinner. I think this is a solid plan because it's obviously a nice thing to do but not like over-the-top romantic and lame. Given the situation, thoughts/suggestions?

Forgive me if this is a lame question, but in past relationships we've always been firmly "together" well before the first Valentine's we've spent together, so this situation is kind of new to me.

Also, others should post their Valentine's plans/questions/suggestions in this thread.
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