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Old 01-29-2007, 08:01 AM
Mickey Brausch Mickey Brausch is offline
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Default Two steps forward for Israel

The first is the appointment as Minister in the Israeli government of a Muslim Arab. (link) Admittedly, Mr Raleb Majadele will be a Minister Without Portfolio and there have been very strong reactions to his appointment. (Some members of the Yisrael Beiteinu party opposed the appointment on ideological grounds, with one member decrying it as "a fatal blow to Zionism".) But, still, this is undeniably a moral victory for Israel, and a step towards a more realistic (and moral) solution in the Arab / Israeli conflict. It is still, unfortunately, unthinkable for most Arab nations (except Palestinians!!) to appoint or elect non-Muslims in positions of political power.

The other bit of good news for Israel is, of course, the well known, ongoing investigation into the alleged sexual misconduct of Israeli president Moshe Katsav. (link) Although this seems to reflect badly on the image of Israeli politics, in general, (what with the many other scandals rocking the political scene, eg bribery, kick-backs, etc), the investigation of the highest political office in the country by the judicial authority signifies quite clearly a democracy in action. (Yes, it's a rather restrictive, exclusionary democracy, as far as the Palestinians are concerned, but still!)

These are messages that will not fail to reach the Arab audience, who cannot avoid to make comparisons with their own, arguably as exclusionary and equally corrupt (or perhaps more corrupt) regimes, regimes which however enjoy practically a total immunity from the law, and a frustrating inability to change.

Impressive work.

Mickey Brausch
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