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Old 01-27-2007, 11:07 PM
black_drake black_drake is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 254
Default Dad wants to move in with me and my friend...

Here's the quick story: I met up with an high school buddy who happened to be in the same city as I am. I just got done with university and found a job, currently living with my Uncle (along with my Dad and Grandma). So after bumping into him, we decided to rent out own place to live, which I was totally down with - I can not stand my Grandma's insistent nagging and moaning. (I never show this though, out of my respect for my Grandma, but I just need some personal space and 'air'.)

So we found this neat 2 room apartment right across the subway station, with furniture and all. Signed and all that jazz. Two days before we move in, Dad decides to move in with us.

A quick run down about my Dad, he's always working when we were growing up, making money so he could send his kids to decent school. Being the eldest, he hardly jokes around with me and keeps the pressure on. You can say I am not close to him as my other siblings are. And now that he decides to move in with us...the first thought is, ofcourse, WTF.

Some thoughts that cross my mind are:
- My buddy hardly knows my Dad, how is this fair to him?
- I'm not letting my Dad sleeping in the living room, as taking up that area will definitly make my room mate a bit uncomfortable. Thus I'll be staying in the living room and my Dad's going to take my room.
- Why didn't he say anything about this, the least we could have done is let my room mate know before hand or get a 3 room apartment.
- Me and my bud is 20+ years old, having my Dad live with us is just going to make things tricky...

Current emotion status: Doh!
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