Thread: GrannyMae Post
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Old 01-27-2007, 10:20 PM
JaredL JaredL is offline
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Default Re: from pittm

I still think it's a little silly of Granny to get up in arms about RJ

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due respect Dids, but i don't understand how/why you say i am up in arms about this. if you posted a legitimate question (tho PITTM calls it a terrible post), and out of the blue i post that you be incinerated, you would not click the 'notify' button? that's pretty sad that we even need to discuss whether that was abusive posting. that's all i did, click the notify button and had some private discussion with mike haven.

i would hope that you have the good of the community in mind when you see posts like that, directed to ANYBODY, and make sure the post is dealt with swiftly. the piling on by brazillo was no better imo.

no, this was not me being up in arms. when i get up in arms, it is not pretty. actually, i thought i was showing restraint out of respect for the green.

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Firstly, I agree with all those saying RJ should be permabanned and BOS. That's slightly sad for me because he's one of the pretty small group of posters that will actually discuss soccer in the sports forum. Also, I should point out that he has at least 2 other accounts (manufan and RJ! that I know of) and I would guess a few more.

Grannie, the post in question here is not what dids is talking about. We've had issues in the past (well one, despite that I don't recall anything before that point, you called me a troll in ATF and of course when I asked you why you never responded. I would like to point out that I did enjoy the grannie Paradise bonus from which we both benefitted, and didn't even take you up on your free tournie entry offer.), so maybe my memory isn't correct here but I think dids is referring to the many exchanges between you and RJ that were similar to this one in that RJ would make a reasonable post asking some question completely unrelated and you would come into the thread and hammer him with discussion of the cheating which he admitted to, and wasn't relevant to his question. The thread would then 100% of the time derail in to a discussion of him having played at the same table as his dorm mate and general bitching back and forth. As far as I know none of this has gone on lately, and while I felt you were trolling him what you were saying wasn't nearly as bad as what he's said to you in the past and here.

The main difference IMO between GM and RJ on this is that it appears that grannie is at worst just having a bit of fun at someone he doesn't like's expense while RJ pretty much always seems to have flown off the handle. As someone pointed out in the OOT survivor, RJ takes himself too seriously and has the thinnest skin in the world and treats any slight as if the whole world is after him and he's on some holy crusade.
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