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Old 01-25-2007, 11:13 AM
JunkTrunk JunkTrunk is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 45
Default Re: Limon et al. Let\'s talk properly about minraises!!!!



Minraising can be a very effective strategy against nitty players. There is a certain species of player that will never 3-bet bluff (this includes nits) and will rarely 3-bet semi-bluff. It's effective to minraise flops versus these players when they lead into you if you have a hand that is good but not likely to improve much. Let's say you have KK and raise preflop. Your opponent calls in the BB. Flop is T62r. He leads for $6 into an $8 pot. Minraise him. His 3-bet means set. If he just calls you can value bet his Tx/JJ/QQ on the last 2 streets.

Even if the pot is 3-way on this flop you can still minraise the nit.
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