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Old 01-25-2007, 05:03 AM
madnak madnak is offline
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Default Re: What\'s wrong with my belief in God and/or religion?

Because I don't think Christianity is about love. I think it's as far from that as can be. If the marine had run up to the sniper, ripped his arms off, and spent three weeks torturing him, would you have had the same emotional reaction? How about if he did it to the guy's whole family, while he watched, just to punish him? Now we're getting close to Christianity.

No accounting for differing interpretations, I guess. But I know for a fact that I'm now (belatedly) reading about how the Christian God decided to torture thousands of innocent Egyptians to death in order to convince one pharaoh to do him lip service. And I'm only in the second part of the whole Bible. Rationalize what you want - the straight, direct fact is that God sends plagues and fires and armies to ravage entire nations when someone pisses him off. You'll never, ever convince me that's what a loving being does.
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