Thread: Praise Jesus
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Old 01-25-2007, 01:41 AM
luckyme luckyme is offline
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Default Re: Praise Jesus

This has to do with religion because of Sodom. There is a taboo on sodomy, which includes oral, manual and anal sex, and this taboo was enacted into law because of the God-fearing folk of Georgia. There is no other reason for the disparity in penalties. Sex for procreation = good, sex for fun = bad.

And bills...of course I didn't say this was based on a CORRECT interpretation of the Bible. Simply that it clearly is based on one.

People ask all of the time, sure, this heinous act was perpetrated nominally for religious reasons, but wouldn't it have occurred anyway, even without religion? The answer in this case is a firm no.

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If there were no religion would the laws ever end up so out of sync? Seems very unlikely, but not impossible. Historically throughout europe sodomy laws were directly religion based. Is it reasonable to expect that christian myths are behind the Georgia laws?

Apparently not, judged by some posters, those laws were created by native americans who never heard of sodom and adopted unquestioningly by the later citizens of georgia, or some such.
cheeesh, I'm embarrassed for my species at times.

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