Thread: Praise Jesus
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Old 01-25-2007, 12:15 AM
Matt R. Matt R. is offline
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Default Re: Praise Jesus

And bills...of course I didn't say this was based on a CORRECT interpretation of the Bible. Simply that it clearly is based on one.

[/ QUOTE ]

So if a person interprets something which results in harm, regardless of whether the interpretation is correct or not, we should banish that thing and everything to do with it? In this case you seem to be implying that because someone interpreted the Bible in such a way that causes harm, Jesus is bad and all religion is bad.

So, by this same line of reasoning if someone interprets Nietzche as saying "it is okay to kill other people" (regardless of whether the interpretation is correct or not -- this part is important in your argument), we should banish the teachings of Nietzche? It also follows that we should banish all philosophy, as your post seemed to imply that all religion is bad because of one person's interpretation of one specific religious document.

This is awesome.
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