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Old 01-24-2007, 10:59 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Default Clarifying Some Things About \"Saura\"

Just a few things, some of which I've said before.

1. I didn't know she was a runaway.

2. If I had known she was a runaway or that she was 16 I would have sent her on her way. At least at first.

3. We lived together eight months and we were planning to stay together indefinitiely. At least I was. I was in the process of buying a 4500 square foot house for her, our cat, and our snake.

4. Although I believe I can say that every female I ever had a relationship with, including the young ones, does not regret it to this day (including that stripper who started this subject in the first place and recontacted me a few days ago [and might start her own thread]), I would not have thought that this would extend to 16 year olds. In other words I would predict that a sixteen year old girl would regret having a relationship with a 50 something year old guy. Even me. Wonderful as I am. The fact that Saura seems to be an exception is just dumb luck. I was always worried that I harmed her and only now believe I probably didn't. In spite of the fact that everyone including her mother, my mother, her probation officer, my son, her sister, the cops etc. etc. thought we should remain together. (I have written proof of that by the way.)

5. As far as the contention that I should have known her age, you have got to believe me that 98% of the time there was not the slightest hint. In fact there were some who told me that they had seen her before in Vegas. They were confusing her with a 24 year old. The people who were fooled did not see her only occasionally in social settings. My parents spent weeks with her. Ditto Mat and Mason. Same with two 19 year old girls who never doubted that she was older than her. She was never carded anywhere.(As for Phil's 153 comment that this shows I can't guess IQs I say why? It has nothing to do with predicting which questions someone could correctly answer.)

Of course none of this shows that Vince Lepore wouldn't have been suspicious. He's sure that he is more astute than all of us. And if he had met her he would have warned me. Which I'm sure he would have. So how do I prove to him that even he would have been fooled. No way is there. Oh wait a minute! More dumb luck. I actually CAN prove to him that he would have. Because he WAS. The big oaf met her at least two or three times during the many times she accompanied me to the Bellagio. Sheesh.
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