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Old 01-23-2007, 09:14 PM
James282 James282 is offline
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Default Baseball Projections and Plagiarism

Just curious if BP or any other site that uses projection models like PECOTA are copyright protected. It seems like it would be a difficult thing to do, because you could simply change the numbers by an extremely small amount and not say what model you use, but it seems like anybody could just make a website, not say how they arrived at the conclusions, and plagiarise whatever system they like. Only reason I'm thinking of this is because I was reading the Padres official website and a fan wrote in asking about Kevin Kouzmanoff, and the writer responded with basically his exact PECOTA projection without referencing it at all. "Yeah, Kouzmanoff looks like a .285 hitter, with 20 homers and 80ish RBI." I mean it's obviously more compelling when you understand how the model works, but this seems to be a pretty direct ripoff.

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