Thread: Tool
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Old 01-23-2007, 05:47 PM
mijae mijae is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 32
Default Re: Tool

Hi to the lounge to begin with, as this is my first post here. My fascination for tool started 2 years ago when I was introduced to Maynard James Keenan (Tool lead singer and lyricist) side project A Pefect Circle (with James Iha, former Smashing Pumpkins guitarist), and then to Tool.
As it has already been stated, Tool view of music is different, aiming at creating an artistic experience, through visuals, lights, and obviously music and lyrics. Their bassist designs their videos, and they are worth seeing, even if a bit strange out of context.

Seeing them live must have been one of my favorite musical experiences of all times, both in Paris in June, and in Glasgow in October (thinly veiled brags there), even if I have to admit that the latter concert was superior, including my favorite song, The Pot from 10k days, and the wonderful duo Wings / 10k days.

I was going to add a selection for non fans to listen to to discover them, but you just can't pick one song or two and understand imo, so get an of their albums, 10k days being maybe a bit easier, and listen to it entirely. And listen to it again, as it's not always easy to like on the first listening.

That is all for now, sorry for the engrish, but I'm french and I'm living in England atm, so hopefully i'll be improving for my next lounge posts.
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