Thread: DERB
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Old 05-05-2005, 05:15 AM
NLSoldier NLSoldier is offline
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Default Re: DERB


You guys are morons. J_V is saying this particular player can't win and that's a guarantee, not that someone with those stats can't win. Get off your high horses and come sit in the game and WATCH the guy before you go calling him ignorant.

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Heh, you're funny. Especially if you think the data is lying. Do me a favor and estimate his confidence interval before you go spouting off random macho crap. I haven't seen a single hand with any gross errors of play. Maybe if you could produce a bunch of hands where there were gross errors, I'd be more interested in your paradox theory. But as it stands, from the hands posted, it looks like he's a loose tenacious value bettor. Nothing so strange about that.

I play at that level and higher regularly, and there are tons of players who play over a third of their hands in a full game who win. If I haven't played against this particular player, then I've played on who is just like him. And yes, they take money from other players. Usually it's players like you who think they can't possibly win.

You guys are your cliche "think outside the box" arguments just sound incredibly foolish to people that have logged a significant number of hands with this guy. You are being results oriented. Go back and read an old thread by ZeeJustin where he outlines "sharks" with a similar strategy. Hint: these "significant winners" all went bust inside a month.

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I can name a good dozen players who are loose, who beat the high limit online games, and who've been around for over two years. ZeeJustin (whoever that is) may be a smart fellow, but just because you see a few loose players go bust doesn't mean all loose players go bust.


A guy as smart as ZeeJustin is fooled by their short term results so I can understand why people are in this instance as well, but if you haven't played a lot with this guy then don't render judgments on a guy like J_V whom I know has logged significant hours with him.

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Your appeal to authority is one of the most popular falacies in logic. Try thinking for yourself for a change.

- Andrew

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