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Old 02-12-2006, 03:05 AM
Sandberg Sandberg is offline
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Default Re: A few hands from someone trying to learn

Hand 1: Fold Preflop. I have no problem with the way you played it otherwise. villain will have something AA or KK or even AJ enough to make it worth your while though I suppose it's better than 50% likely he has you beat.

Hand 2: I think you need to fold to the raise on the turn. Unless you think the opposition is extremely aggressive. Given no reads, I think you have to assume he is flushed out here. This is how many low limit players play made flushes. FWIW, I'd probably play it similar to how you play it but I'm trying to fold more in this situation.

Hand 3: No problems. Perfectly played from what I can see.

Hand 4: I'm sure I'd have called down (this is a leak in my game) but I think you played it right. There are a lot of good draws on the flop and some of them come in on the turn, futhermore, it is possible that your opponent has a ten.

Also, I say bet or raise on the flop in the example you provided in the opening paragraph. An open ended straight draw on a rainbow flop has big time implied odds and you need to exploit them. Lots of good things can happen by betting or raising flops in this situation.
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