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Old 01-23-2007, 10:41 AM
sahaguje sahaguje is offline
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Default Re: Simpler Question About Future People

I guess it depends on a lot of factors, like :

- the probability you die before being able to make a very good use of that 10 million dollars.

- the probability you attribute to the existence of a god : if you think there is the slightest chance that giving all your money can guarantee you an eternity of happiness in heaven, well, go for it.

- your capacity to win something now that can be more valuable than the money itself (fame, self-esteem etc.)

Depending on the factors you are taking account of, sometimes it will be "all or nothing", ie x=0 or x=10 million (for example the caring god thing), sometimes you will have a more continuious function (you say that in english?), that relates for example the money you give and the probability of fame.
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