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Old 01-22-2007, 02:42 PM
kordothebear kordothebear is offline
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Default Re: Taking the Blame

person A is a moron for not changing her work to cover up her cheating like person B. You both were stupid to admit u cheated. The teach cant really prove you cheated, he/she just knows you cheated, but Its not what u know, its what u can prove.

You need to cut ur ties with person A and not take the blame at all for this. You need to tell the teacher exactly what happend, then call person A and tell her that u wish she had never asked you to help her with the test. Basically over the phone you need to have her admit to being the 1 who needed the help, and asked you if you would help her. Then u need to record this, or just have the teacher listen into ur phone call if thats possable. Basically you need to prove the the prof. that it wasnt ur idea, but u just didnt want to be a [censored]. Because right now it is your word against person A's word.

I hate person A and people like her. She calls you and tries to make u feel sorry for her by telling u she is getting kicked out and she has a kid. That by no means is your problem at all. Its hers! she needs to take responablitly for her actions. She clearly is always only looking out for herself. I feel very sorry for her child.

Also u will most likely be downed at least 1 or 2 letter grades on your final or even for final grade for helping her. But like I said if u prove its her fault, and that she needed that help not you, you should still pass the class with at least a C and maybe a B.
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