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Old 01-21-2007, 01:42 AM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: Why Making Sweeping Generalizations Implies Stupidity

If you believe that bible is literally true there's an excellent chance that you're an idiot.

If you believe that Bush isn't corrupt there's an excellent chance that you're an idiot.

If you believe that Armageddon will come in your lifetime there's an excellent chance that you're an idiot.

Logical? I don't know. But it's practical. The world is overloaded with information and opinions and people who believe either of the above probably aren't worth my time. I don't care if Joe Blogs is a really smart guy who just has odd beliefs. If he can get something like that wrong, he's probably not very well developed in the common sense department, and that's all that matters.
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