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Old 01-20-2007, 07:12 PM
theplux theplux is offline
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Default Re: NL25 AA vs drawy board

I pushed him around couple hands with CB earlier, and it's not the first time I sit on his left on PS and push him around. I thought he opened his card range vs me when I was raising PF even thought I've like 17% flopseen on that table in that session.

My read was solid, not 100% sure, but likely. He plays really str8foward and rarely CB. He does not lead with draw, he dosent c/r either, he always c/c on draw or allin on flop(had couple notes on him). If he has a set well be it, reload.

Theres couple hands he could have called me since I felt he was steaming. Suited connectors ? KQs.. I wasn't sure at all if he had a pair + FD, I just said IF he does that wouldve been the stats and odds.

So you wouldve bet 2/3 of the pot on turn here? like 8$ so
13+16=29$ 29:8 is 3.6:1. And it's giving me enought money left to make the best decision on river.

I guess I've to take the effective stacks in consideration next time.
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