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Old 01-20-2007, 04:36 PM
DrakeDerek DrakeDerek is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default Re: The Poker Tournament Formula by Arnold Snyder...

I'm a low stakes player and I have used this forum for working on my online poker skills. I recently bought Mr. Snyder's book and it has helped me very much with what I consider "turbo" tournaments. I used to despise turbos because I never felt like I was able to apply what I've learned from my collection of books. (probably 50 or so). Thanks to Mr. Snyder, I finally understand just how powerful position can be. The position section of the book paid for itself when I played in a $1 turbo just to try out his method. I only played the position recommendations meaning I even folded KK from up front. (yes it hurt, but this was an experiment and by that point it was working great.) I became an overwhelming chipleader which almost never happens for me, and I went on to win the whole thing, never playing my cards.

If I had to say which 3 books I like best: HoH vol II is my favorite for obvious reasons. The Poker Tournament Formula comes in second for the position drills and the formulas used to calculate final tables for BM games. My third choice is Read Em and Reap by Joe Navarro because of the amazing insights that he provides into body language.

Mason and Arnold, thank you both for contributing greatly to my poker success. Without HoH vII I don't think I ever would have freerolled into last year's Aruba Classic. Arnold, I wish you would have written your book earlier, and I might have had a better chance. (I placed 110 out of about 500 players there.)

Thanks again guys and thank you to all the players who contribute to the many interesting posts I've read over the years,

Derek Bell
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