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Old 01-19-2007, 11:38 PM
DougShrapnel DougShrapnel is offline
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Default Re: Moderates sheltering fundamentalists

In my opinion it was one of the weakest arguments in The God Delusion (not that being directed at me had anything to do with it...).

[/ QUOTE ] It's a weak argument agianst belief in God. However it's a strong argument against aqueiscing(sp).

Can someone explain to me how my faith is bad because it "shelters extremists", or whatever the argument is?

Some things I believe which may be relevant:

The bible is inspired but not divine dictation. It may be wrong and a literal interpretation is contradictory. It is useful as a tool, but you have to reflect on it and use it to make your own decisions, not as an instruction book.

Religion has very little to do with ethics, it's a metaphysical question.

I do not demand "respect" of my beliefs - in fact, I think they should be challenged and any flaws pointed out. (That's precisely the reason I post on this forum).

Other religions should also not be quarantined from discussion or criticism either. Further, they have an obligation (intellectual at least) to defend the claims they make and to justify them.

The chance of my religion being "true" is next to nil - it's just the best I can do at the moment.

It is wrong to force other people to do what you want them to.

Public decision making should be as rational as possible.

I'm sure there are more, but I wanted to make these explicit. I dont see how the "moderates are giving extremists a place to hide" applies to me at all. Further, I dont think I am particularly unusual amongst moderates in holding the above beliefs (although obviously some of the specifics of my faith are heretical and/or unpopular).

With all that in mind - can someone explain to me how I am doing anything wrong in continuing in my faith? Or why my faith should be fought against (I mean apart from the search-for-truth sort of fight. Obviously, an atheist who cares about getting the truth out there should argue with me).

I would appreciate it.

[/ QUOTE ] Sam Harris makes better arguments than Dawkins does on this point. But it's not just that "you" are protecting xtians, but "you" are sheltering muslims as well. You are in quotes here because you are a strange breed that I really have ZERO argument with. I'd rather have you on the side of justice and truth than the side of lies and dogma. I believe that you are on the correct side. Moreover if God exists and he is just you will likely get to heaven, where as most moderates and fundamentalists won't.

AS far as what you are doing wrong goes I'd need more info then I currently have to make a better judgement. Paticularly the downsides where you would disagree with dawkins kind.
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