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Old 01-19-2007, 10:52 PM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Re: Moderates sheltering fundamentalists

His point (I believe), is that you are making the most irrational mistake of all.

If you believed the bible is the literal word of God, then you can be forgiven for all beliefs which follow. But if you do NOT believe the bible is the literal word of God, you are at the very least admitting God's meaning and desires are unclear. Therefore, you are making your OWN interpretations (or following other error prone human's interpretations), as to what is moral and what is not.

Do you see how this is circular? If parts of the bible aren't meant to be taken literelly, then there is no good reason to think that ANY of the bible should be taken literally. When humans start picking and choosing which of God's words we're suppose to believe are literal or not literal (such as right from wrong/moral and not moral), you don't need the bible at all anymore. In fact, you make a mockery of it.

So I believe what Dawkins is saying is, don't be wishy-washy. Either the bible is the literal word of God, or you can't be sure ANY of it is.
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