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Old 01-18-2007, 08:34 AM
Skipolo Skipolo is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default Re: Another stupid ethics question

To quote Naked Gun, "Even the scoreboard operator says there are 3 outs!"

As I discussed with Dali on the phone.

Yes I understand Dali is all about the principle of the $60.

Yes, he is not obligated to giving you back the $60. (Should he? If he is a good friend of yours then sure, that would be a nice thing to do.)

I think you have overvalued his friendship. He clearly stated that he did not want to flip and he clearly said he wasn't going to give your blind back. (Would I or someone else you know very well give it back? Sure. But his chat clearly states you're posting at your own risk regarding the 2nd hand.)

It is up to you to not auto-post in these situations. I flip more than anyone (or did). A few things about it: On Stars I never sat at Fast tables while flipping due to autoposting after a flip or if someone else showed up. But I always had autopost unchecked until agreement was made. I think you need to do that going forward with others.

This thread is out of control. Simply, to summarize : Dali should not have posted both times. If CTS is a close friend of Dali's he should give him his $60 back, if not, then no. Even if he is a close friend he is not obligated to based on the chat and I don't think it would cross moral boundries either. Just let it go Dali and move on.

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