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Old 01-17-2007, 08:33 PM
Boggy Depot Boggy Depot is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 44
Default Re: BB KK into a 3 way flop.. grumble!

Bet the flop. Someone correct me if this is not correct but with four other callers in the pot there is a only a 50% chance that someone has an Ace. That means that half the time you have the best hand and a fair percentage of the time the person with the Ace will have an iffy kicker. At these limits some people will cold-call with A-rag suited so maybe a bet will get them to make "the smart laydown". You showed strength pre-flop so take a shot. Call a single raise (fold to a reraise) then check-fold if you don't hit on the turn. Don't be afraid to lose a bet here and there. Poker's just like work - you have to spend money to make money. But don't get foolish.
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