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Old 01-17-2007, 04:00 PM
Wynton Wynton is offline
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Default Re: Will somebody tell me what the PPA has accomplished?

Sigh. This PPA discussion has been beaten to death by the regulars at this forum. The last word we received - I believe in the past 4-6 weeks - was that the PPA president and his attorneys were working on some kind of detailed response to the 2+2 letter. They made no representation when this ressponse would come, but stressed that it would take some time.

My reaction was to wait and see what the PPA would produce. With each passing week, there is more and more reason to doubt that a satisfactory response will ever be forthcoming. But I am willing to give them a little more time before I dismiss that posssibility altogether.

If another month passes with no word, my patience will have run out.
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