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Old 01-17-2007, 02:31 PM
Sniper Sniper is offline
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Default Re: Will somebody tell me what the PPA has accomplished?

va1halla: ok, what are they doing?

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Well Besides the website the PPA has I have seen them or read about them on plenty of media outlets to know they're atleast trying to do something, and I know they have made contributions to some politicians, and They claim to have lobbyists in Washington, Which I guess we'll have to trust them on that one for now.

I'm not saying they are the best organization to represent online poker players, but they are the only ones and the best chance we have at this point and time. The PPA is only 2 yrs old I believe and it takes time to build something like this up. There are way too many people who bad mouth them so others don't join which hurts our cause far more than you can imagine.

Make up your own mind, but I joined them long ago and would again, it's not like we have options here.

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Dude, the PPA President is not even willing to come here and defend his organiztion to the very people who he supposedly represents... the very people who have the financial resources, the desire to help, and the connections that the organization needs...

This speaks DIRECTLY to the credibility of the PPA... which at this point, is a big 0
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