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Old 01-16-2007, 12:04 PM
lossage lossage is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: open-limping from the cutoff
Posts: 89
Default Re: Pooled Tips - Evidence that its bad

So I don't see that chip pooling is this huge factor in [the vast majority of the] crappy dealers at Foxwoods. I would suspect that its caused more by the fact that there are fewer good dealers that live in Conneticut, and there's a lack of competition from other casinos.

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In a post in a previous thread, I promised to start trying to track hand counts and such when I play B&M (starting this weekend) and compare the results to when that same casino goes to a non-shared toke system for poker dealers.

Like the OP, I suspect that geographic differences play a role (e.g., dealer talent pool, competition). Unlike the OP, I think that, ceteris paribus, dealers keeping their own tokes will improve speed and accuracy. My hand records will provide a decent test of the second hypothesis (only).

What I'm going to do is the only reasonably scientific way to test the second hypothesis. Comparing a casino in the Midwest (or Connecticut) to one in Vegas would prove nothing.
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