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Old 01-16-2007, 12:44 AM
SuperUberBob SuperUberBob is offline
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Default Re: Probert vs. Domi - Who got the best of it? (9 fights)

Once Probert learned to contain Domi's right hook, Domi was done.

Domi resorted to the left hook. When he did so, he left his entire face open for a counterpunch. Probert would duck the left and hit Domi with a right hook. He repeated this process in basically every fight they had except for the first one, where Probert was able to use his reach and kept Domi away from him.

Tie Domi was a scumbag. I even hated him when he was on the Rangers. He wasn't just a fighter. He was a dirty hockey player. But Probert owned him.
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