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Old 01-15-2007, 06:39 PM
Ben K Ben K is offline
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Default Re: What is it about money that brings out the worst in people?

Religion is the greatest faith based scam known to man. You'll never definitively answer this question. But for the fiercely competitive it's not about the money, it about a burning desire to win and concur (and so the capitalist cycle continues).

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Poker's a hard game. It's emotionally difficult for a number of reasons. One of them is because we use money to score, money that if won could change your lifestyle. Another is the fact that you can lose on any given day even when you are a far superior player to everyone around the table. Yet another is the fact that money is an outward symbol of your success as an individual, so when you lose a bunch of chips to the other guy you feel terrible. If that guy in your story had his half mil on the table he wouldn't have been so bothered. I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons why poker so emotionally difficult.

I'm don't think money brings out the worst in people. I may have already hinted toward what does that.
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