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Old 01-13-2007, 11:16 PM
JuntMonkey JuntMonkey is offline
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Default Watching short clips of movies over and over (Rocky Balboa)

I loved Rocky Balboa, and last night I found the final fight scene on YouTube (bootleg obviously). I watched a little bit of it and was literally shivering. I don't want to keep watching it though and make the emotional impact go away for me.

How do you handle this, when you love a specific scene (applies to songs too) so much that you want to keep watching it over and over? Do you give in, or do you refuse to watch one scene without watching the whole movie (or listening to the whole album)?

I did this with the first scene of Season 2 Episode 1 of Lost and it didn't "ruin" it for me...after a month or so since the last viewing it's still just as fresh.

However, songs definitely become played out. "Final Countdown" used to turn my stomach in knots when the Knicks were on the brink of elimination, but now I've listened to it too much and it's dead for me...
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