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Old 01-12-2007, 02:48 PM
cardcounter0 cardcounter0 is offline
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Default Re: about to be fired by my temp ageny for their screw up??? LONG

Don't sweat it.

IF, the company you are working for really likes you, then yes talk about them hiring you, but I don't think this is going to happen since you are a temp.

However, the company probably works with multiple temp agencies. The temp company you are working for has broken it's contract with you since they have been unable to pay you in a timely manner.

So just find out what other temp agencies the company works with, and switch over to some other agency that is capable of issuing paychecks to you in a timely manner. This temp agency will bitch about it, but they have broken their terms of agreement so ignore them.

Show up for work. This dispute is between you and the agency and not the company you are doing work for. Keep them out of it. They probably don't care if they pay agency ABC or XYZ for your services, so just change agencies.
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