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Old 01-11-2007, 12:03 PM
PartyGirlUK PartyGirlUK is offline
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Default Re: samo vs KKF revisited

fsu - the problem is that Samo said

'Either player may opt out on a given day or a series of days if he has legitamate reason. The moderator (the player who will keep the 20K in escrow) will determine if the postponements are in good faith or if the player is simply trying to duck out.'

This is obviously open to interpretation, and there may be a conflict on interests. From all accounts you are an honest guy, and I am not suggesting otherwise but -

i) It's possible that with money at stake you side with Samo more than you should

ii) It's possible that you are so ethical that with money on Samo you actually side with KKF more than you should, just to be sure you have no personal bias
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