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Old 01-10-2007, 06:00 PM
PantsOnFire PantsOnFire is offline
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Default Re: need help with strategy against bad players

Preflop - I would only raise or reraise with my best hands. Forget about stealing, restealing, mixing up your play, etc. There is no point. I would also call a lot with hands that have potential like suited connectors, pocket pairs, bit paint cards, etc. I would even call modest raises. This is where your postflop play would come in handy, to get out of situations when you miss.

Value betting - This is a game where slowplaying is not a good idea, so just value bet your good hands. This is the best play against passive players.

Bluffing - Bluff a lot less in this game. Against the level 1 players, you can start recognizing their betting and folding patterns and start to steal pots where you can represent a good hand and read that they have nothing or little. Forget about bluffing the level 0 players.

Implied odds - This is a good game for implied odds. Guys with top pair are going to go all the way with it. This is why getting into a lot of flops with speculative hands is good. As well, you can chase draws against the odds if you can correctly determine that you opponent has something and will pay you off when you hit.

Betting - You must size your bets correctly to give the wrong odds and allow your opponents to make mistakes. As well, when they are underbetting the pot you can take advantage and come along hoping to catch something. When you have something like second pair, backdoor draws, overcards, etc. then by all means call min bets into bigger pots, the odds are there for you.

Player Observation - The level 0 players especially should be very easy to read after a while. Figure out what they do when the have a hand or have nothing and you will almost be able to see their cards.

Deceptiveness - Your opponents are unlikely to be trying to read you so there is no reason to mix up your play or make suboptimal plays to set something up later.

Pot Control - Play a lot in position so you can control the pot. Keep pots small when you are drawing and build pots big when you have the goods.
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