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Old 01-10-2007, 03:18 PM
Drjekel Drjekel is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 46
Default Re: Things you bring to the table with you?

I also like to bring a couple of moist wipes with me - When I take a break I like to wipe down and refresh my face.

Also, (from my single days) I carry in my car an overnight bag. Within it, I have toothpaste & brush. Small bar of soap. Mouth rinse. Deodrant. Moisturiser and other such bathroom items.

I also always have a change of socks, T-shirt and shoes in my car (I keep fresh clothes for when I go to the gym). Often, after a number of hours at the table it's good to take a break - go to my car and freshen up. Changing my socks and shoes is a big part of that.
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