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Old 01-10-2007, 07:49 AM
nature\\\'s_hated nature\\\'s_hated is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 69
Default Re: Unrequited love - what to do?

Also, girls hate "Where are we going? How do you feel about me? Surely you could love me some day" conversations with guys they just want casual friendships with.

It's just tough getting her out of my life, when nobody else makes me as happy as she does. I'm hardwired to connect happiness with her, so when I've been doing something wonderful, rather than enjoy it for its own sake I just wish she was there to share it with me. And sure as hell she isn't wishing I was there to share her happy moments. I remember a drunken conversation back at her flat, the day I told her I still liked her, asking her what her happiest moments had been - after telling her mine - and her saying she couldn't tell me, and knowing she meant they were with Other Guys. Goddamn, yeah, this girl really can make me feel miserable like no-one else too.