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Old 01-08-2007, 01:29 PM
Stephen H Stephen H is offline
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Default Re: Malloreon II: Return of the Rivan King GAME THREAD

Luckay's initial posts seem pretty bad. That Spreadsheet of Doom(SoD) is terrible; why is Herbie on the lynch list, for example? I'm also not sure what the hell he's talking about with the Silk strategy; there's nothing particularly wrong with Silk coming out, I think.
I see the same thing Zurvan does with Herbie's posts, but Luckay is the type who would try to keep any wolves out of suspicion day 1, so I'm not sure it makes total sense that they're wolves together. Then again, I'm not sure why Herbie is on the SOD lynch list, so I'm offically wishy-washy on Herbie at this point.

God help us all if Luckay is Cyradis.

Lynch Luckay
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