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Old 01-07-2007, 06:46 AM
LandonM LandonM is offline
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Default Re: Ask me about: living in Indian Country or frontier Montana

In the case of Native Americans, how much "poverty" do you believe is lifestyle choice or culturally dictated versus being the result of some sort of broader societal "oppression?"

The reason I ask- many reservations are rich in minerals or other commodities (not to mention a very healthy supply of able-bodied manpower with nothing better to do) and are essentially fiscally autonomous (save for Federal jurisdiction for crimes).
If I put a few thousand white guys in that exact same situation, there's no doubt in my mind that they would have something going in a years time. However, native culture puts different emphases on lifestyle that, by our standards, might be classified as "impoverished" when often times, it's really a case of cultural minimalism and an acceptance of austerity (similar to that of the Amish. )

In short- do you believe the rampant poverty that pervades native communities is a result of their own collective decision making or something else?
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