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Old 01-06-2007, 11:52 PM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: Ask me about: living in Indian Country or frontier Montana

Is Poverty that bad?

I also believe a balck person has not experienced discrimination at its worst. The Native community has

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It is really bad. I didn't have any idea how bad it was until I was out here.

I often compare the reservation with the inner city of any big city. The biggest difference is that the reservation is in the middle of nowhere with no industry, not very many businesses, nothing like a McDonald's or Wendy's or anything for people or kids to even hope for a job. Pretty hard for someone to get ahead and make money when there is no jobs to be found at all.

Native Americans have really really been crapped on badly for many years and are still discriminated against now. I see it all the time and hear the stories my friends and co-workers tell all the time

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I grew up across the mountains from Browning -

amazing how the Rocky Mountains can seperate multi million dollar homes and rich white guys from the third world existance that is many native American reservations -

of course, our experience is in their casinos alone, but driving thru some of those towns can just crush your spirit -

every time I drive thru I think "hmmm, if I HAD to drop off the face of the earth" would I come here? - LOL

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